Hi there ... Thank you for reading this message .
Did you here about Islam? I mean the real Islam... Do you have some questions in your religion and you don't have the answers for them? Do you know that you have to condemns in Islam? Ok... just visit these sites, read and download any thing you want for free and I wish that you will have a good time with the sites below: http://www.islamhouse.com http://www.islam-qa.com/index.php?ln=eng http://www.islamtoday.net/english http://www.islam-guide.com http://www.islamhouse.com/library/?p...eb5324d19c1609 You can read about prophet Mohammad in this site: http://www.islamway.com/mohammad And: http://www.islamhouse.com/en/modules...&bookno=378 7 Also you can see this wonderful site : http://www.islamawareness.net/Science/ If you have other questions you can send them to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or you can ask in this site: http://www.en.islamhouse.com/modules.php?name=Feedback And if you want to read more and more see these sites: http://www.ahmed-deedat.co.za/frameset.asp http://www.todayislam.com http://www.beconvinced.com http://www.thetruereligion.org http://www.it-is-truth.org http://www.islamunveiled.org http://www.discoverislam.com http://www.lordswrds.com http://www.plaintruth.org http://www.sultan.org http://www.prophetmuhammed.org http://www.religionofislam.com/english/index.htm http://lordswords.com/ If you need to ask me about something just send it to my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***Here I'm asking you to carefully analyze and look deeply at this religion; you shall discover new findings - even concerning yourself - and also that this religion is completely different from what is portrayed in the media and from what you have heard or read about it. So I leave you now with these links and hope you enjoy them.... I wish that you will visit the above sites and take it seriously. Thank you for your time. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list