Philippe C. Martin wrote:
If I do this:

print 'LEN OF BOOK BEFORE APPEND: ', len(pickle.dumps(self.__m_rw))
self.__m_rw.books.append( [p_col1,p_col2,p_col3] )
print 'LEN OF BOOK AFTER APPEND: ', len(pickle.dumps(self.__m_rw))

I get the same length before and after append.

when I print self.__m_rw.books, I see my 'appends' in there, yet the
pickled object does not change.

How is __m_rw.books defined? If it is a class attribute of the class of __m_rw you will see this behavior. e.g.

 >>> class Mrw:
 ...   books = []
 >>> m=Mrw()
 >>> class Mrw:
 ...   books = []
 >>> __m_rw = Mrw()
 >>> __m_rw.books.append(1)
 >>> __m_rw.books

but __m_rw.books will not be pickled with __m_rw because it belongs to the 
class, not the instance.

The fix is to declare books as an instance attribute:

class Mrw:
  def __init__(self):
    self.books = []


Any clue ?




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