Rostfrei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the news server for this
> newsgroup.

Usenet newsgroups are redistributed over many servers worldwide.


> If I ping comp.lang.python it is not resolved.

That's right. It's the name of a Usenet newsgroup, not a host name.


> For instance I had no problem configuring Eclipse news server. I
> just entered as a news server address and after it
> I can browse available groups.

You can browse the groups available on that server, yes. To browse
this group, you need to find a server that carries comp.lang.python.


 \       "The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of |
  `\      importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is |
_o__)                     allowed to take."  -- C. Northcote Parkinson |
Ben Finney

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