John Nagle wrote:

> Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>> Regardless of the possibility of speeding it up - why should one want
>> this? Coding speed is more important than speed of coding in 90%+ of all
>> cases.
>      When you have to start buying more servers for the server farm,
> it's a real pain.  I'm actually facing that because Python's HTML
> parsing is so slow.

I can't believe that this is a general "python is to slow"-issue. After all,
lxml and cElementTree are _really_ fast - and written in C.

For example in TurboGears, there are two python-only templating systems -
KID & genshi (apart from others). The latter is a magnitude faster than the
former. After all, O(n^3) is O(n^3), regardless of the language...

And if only the html-parsing is slow, you might consider creating an
extension for that. Using e.g. Pyrex.


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