On Jun 10, 11:11 am, 7stud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 10, 10:37 am, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > hello,
> > For a simulation at different levels,
> > I need different functions with the same name.
> > Is that possible ?
> > I can realize it with a simple switch within each function,
> > but that makes the code much less readable:
> > def Some_Function():
> >    if simulation_level == 1:
> >      ... do things in a way
> >    elif simulation_level == 2:
> >      ... do things in another way
> >    elif simulation_level == 3:
> >      ... do things in yet another way
> > thanks,
> > Stef Mientki
> Try something like this:
>     class Simulation1(object):
>         def greet(self):
>             print "hello"
>     class Simulation2(object):
>         def greet(self):
>             print "hello"
>     class Simulation3(object):
>         def greet(self):
>             print "hello"
>     def someFunc(simObj):
>         simObj.greet()
>     s1 = Simulation1()
>     s2 = Simulation2()
>     s3 = Simulation3()
>     someFunc(s1)
>     someFunc(s2)
>     someFunc(s3)

Horrible example.  Look at this instead:

    class Simulation1(object):
        def greet(self):
            print "hello from sim1"

    class Simulation2(object):
        def greet(self):
            print "Hi. I'm sim2"

    class Simulation3(object):
        def greet(self):
            print "sim3 is #1! Hello there."

    def someFunc(simObj):

    s1 = Simulation1()
    s2 = Simulation2()
    s3 = Simulation3()


hello from sim1
Hi. I'm sim2
sim3 is #1! Hello there.

As the output shows, you can call the same function, but the function
can do different things.


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