On Jun 9, 1:40 am, Sean Farrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I have the folling code:
>         def parseTime(self, time):
>                 minutes =int(float(time)/60)
>                 seconds =int(float(time)-minutes*60)
>                 minutes =str(minutes)
>                 seconds =str(minutes)

    seconds = str(minutes) ???
Is that the actual code that you executed?
What does "don't seem to be working" mean? The seconds output is
always the same as the minutes output?
Try again, with
    seconds = str(seconds)
followed by
    print "debugging", repr(time), repr(minutes), repr(seconds)
If it still seems not to be working, come back with a copy/paste of
the actual code that you executed, plus a copy/paste of the output

> the statements that convert the minutes and seconds variables
> str(minutes) and str(seconds) don't seem to be working.
> Any idea why?
> is there any other way of doing this and perhaps using the $d
> interpolation operator?

What is the $d interpolation operator? Do you mean the %d string
formatting operator? If so, the answer depends on what you want to do
with the output ... e.g.
    "%d:%02d" % (int_minutes, int_seconds)
might be what you want.


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