Arich Chanachai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mike Meyer wrote:
>>Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
>>the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
>>between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
>>interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
>>language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
>>in the environment.
> When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem
> solving choices for uuu users.

You've missed the point. Allowing a wide array of problem solving
choices is a goal, not a means. Instead of concentrating on adding
langauges, you should be provding an infrastructure that makes adding
langauges simple.  The Plan 9 example does this best, as any language
that can do file I/O is supported.

It may be that CLR is just such an infrastructure (I'm not familiar
with it). In that case, instead of pushing Python, you should be
pushing CLR with IronPython as an option.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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