On Jun 5, 2007, at 9:29 AM, abhiee wrote:

> Hello , I have just begun learning python...and I'm loving it...Just
> wanted to ask you that how much time would it take me to learn python
> completely and which languages should i learn alongwith python to be a
> good professional programmer?...Now i only know C....
> thanx in advance!

How long is a piece of rope?

Seriously, there is no way for anyone to predict how long it will  
take you to learn something.  In this case, that something (Python)  
is a moving target -- there are a few things I use daily that weren't  
even part of the language when I started.

I do believe that it takes about three years to get reasonably  
competent at anything.  And about ten years to get really good at it.  
And probably another ten years to be a master (I'm only guessing  
though -- because I haven't been doing anything for twenty years  
yet).  Of course, by my metrics I guess even Guido wouldn't be a  
master at Python so perhaps I'm full of crap :-)

Hope this helps,

"I use tuples simply because of their mellifluous appellation." -- 
Neil Cerutti


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