my guess its your path. I'm not familiar with IDLE but if you try getting the properties of IDLE, chances are its got the patch set up correctly.
in DOS you can try this to see what your path is: echo "My path is %PATH%" ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jakob Svavar Bjarnason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <> Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 2:31 PM Subject: Strange behavior in Windows Greetings. I have been trying to switch to Python from other languages such as Perl and now I have a newbie question. I have been trying to run a setup script to install a python library. To do that I need to run "c:> python install" but the strange thing is is that when it runs the command: >>> from distutils import log I get the error ONLY while in cmd. If I run this from the interactive shell that comes with IDLE it works. But if I go into the interactive shell in the Windows shell cmd then I get: ImportError: cannot import log Any ideas on how I can fix this Vinsamlega athugið að upplýsingar í tölvupósti þessum og viðhengi eru eingöngu ætlaðar þeim sem póstinum er beint til og gætu innihaldið upplýsingar sem eru trúnaðarmál. Sjá nánar: Please note that this e-mail and attachments are intended for the named addresses only and may contain information that is confidential and privileged. Further information: -- --