En Fri, 01 Jun 2007 14:22:29 -0300, Warren Stringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> I am not insisting on anything. I use ``c[:]()`` as shorthand way of  
> saying
> "c() for c in d where d is a container"

I begin to think you are some kind of Eliza experiment with Python  
pseudo-knowledge injected.

Anyway, the code below defines a simple "callable" list; it just calls  
each contained item in turn. Don't bother to use [:], it won't work.

py> class CallableList(list):
...   def __call__(self):
...     for item in self:
...       item()
py> def a(): print "a"
py> def b(): return 4
py> def c(): pass
py> def d():
...   global z
...   z = 1
py> z="A"
py> x = CallableList([a,b,c,d])
py> x()
py> z

Gabriel Genellina


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