On 2007-06-01, Warren Stringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> This discussion has gone in more circles than Earth has gone
>> 'round the Sun, but it seems you should consider the
>> following:
> Yes, I've been feeling a bit dizzy

No comment.

>> 1) Sequences and functions serve fundamentally different purposes in
>> Python. One is for containing objects, the other is for executing an
>> action. (And yes, I'm aware that these concepts can differ in other
>> contexts. But we're talking about Python.)
> I guess I've been arguing for fewer semantics, not more

What does that mean?  The words you type are English, and the
grammar is OK, but the sentences don't seem to _mean_ anything.

>> 2) It seems--at least to me--a bit dubious to change an entire general
>> purpose programming language to suit a very limited--and frankly
>> strange--use case.
> Agreed.
>> 3) You'd probably be better off making a very simple and concise
>> domain specific language.
> Hence: http://muse.com/tr3/Tr3%20Overview.pdf 
> I'm going to take Steve Holden's advice and hang out at c.l.py 

Oh, for Pete's sake, you ARE in c.l.py.  [You may be reading it
via an e-mail gateway, but reading it via an NNTP server isn't
going to make any difference.]

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! MY income is ALL
                                  at               disposable!

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