In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Perhaps we will soon see a triumphant publication with the title
"Ilias Lazaridis - the ELIZA of the 21st century. A milestone towards
the perfect Turing test" ;)

I've got to admit that for a large proportion of the time interacting (if that is the word) with him I thought I was the butt of a clever AI joke. I've finally come to the conclusion that there is a real, if seriously dysfunctional, person behind the communications.

If I knew more about the AI subject arena AND had more time on my hands I'd try to write an IlliasBot to see how far I got before I was found out. But I'm way too busy, so someone else will have to do it. I just hope they do it in Python or Ruby so that these languages get more publicity.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
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