Steve Holden Wrote
> The general rule in Python is that you provide the right objects and
> expect error tracebacks if you do something wrong. So I don't really see
> why you feel it's necessary to "[be] unambiguous about using a
> container" when you don't appear to feel the same about its containing
> only functions.

Give that everything is a first class object

    "Look ma! I'm an object"()  # causes
    Traceback (most recent call last) ...
    TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

    def funky(): lookma()
    funky()  # causes   

    Traceback (most recent call last)...
    NameError: global name 'lookma' is not defined

Means that any exception can be caught, thus equal.

`c[:]()` is unambiguous because:

    def c(): print 'yo'

    c()     # works, but
    c[:]()  # causes:

    Traceback (most recent call last)...
        c[:]()  # causes:
    TypeError: unsubscriptable object

There are many `c()` to be found in the wild and no `c[:]()`, thus
unambiguous. To be honest, I wasn't sure, until testing this, just now.

> > You're right. At the same time, version 3 is coming up soon. There is a
> > short window of opportunity for profound changes.
> >
> Which closed at the end of April as far as PEPs affecting the initial
> implementation of version 3 was concerned. The python3000 and
> python-ideas lists are the correct forum for those issues, though you
> will of course get all sorts of opinions on

Oh well. Perhaps I can relax and actually write functioning code ;-)
What do you mean by '' ? The first thing that comes to mind is
'clippy' that helpful little agent in Word that helped pay for Simonyi's
trip into space.

Ching ching,



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