How do I vary the byte offset of a field of a ctypes.Structure? How do I "use the dynamic nature of Python, and (re-)define the data type after the required size is already known, on a case by case basis"?
\\\ For example, suppose sometimes I receive the value '\x03hi' + \x04bye' for the struct: class Struct34(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [('first', 3 * ctypes.c_ubyte), ('second', 4 * ctypes.c_ubyte)] but then sometimes instead I receive the value '\x05left' + \x06right' for the struct: class Struct56(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [('first', 5 * ctypes.c_ubyte), ('second', 6 * ctypes.c_ubyte)] Thus in general I receive (0xFF ** 2) possible combinations of field lengths. /// How do I declare all those hugely many simply regular combinations as one CTypes.structure? I also need to do series of 3 or 4 or 5 strings, not just 2 strings. But always the byte offsets of the subsequent fields vary when the byte sizes of the preceding fields vary. The byte size of the enclosing packed struct varies as the length of the packed bytes it contains. The errors I get as I try techniques that don't work include: AttributeError: '_fields_' must be a sequence of pairs AttributeError: _fields_ is final ValueError: Memory cannot be resized because this object doesn't own it TypeError: incompatible types, c_ubyte_Array_2 instance instead of c_ubyte_Array_1 instance How do I change the offset of a field of a ctypes.Structure? Is the answer to contribute to the next version of CTypes? Or is this feature already supported somehow? Curiously yours, thank in advance, --