Hey Marc,

> > [d() for d in c]
> If you are using the list comprehension just for the side effect of
> calling `d` then consider this bad style.  You are building a list of
> `None` objects just to have a "cool" one liner then.

Yep, you're right  

> for func in funcs:
>     func()
> Because it is explicit and readable and matches the english description
> "for every function in functions: call that function" very closely while a
> list comprehension or your "perlish" line noise is much more magic to
> explain and harder to remember.

Hmmmm... the reason what I use the list comprehension was the description
"call that thing for every thing in those things" The first time I something
saw this I though, in my C befuddled head 'huh? that's backwards!'  But,
then the more I thought about it I recall that this is how some people

Still  I prefer


Because, I can describe it in English as "call everything that funcs has"

(BTW, I have yet to write my first line of Perl. It that good thing or a bad


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