Hey Douglas,

Perhaps I was being too abstract? Here goes:

|  def selector(): 
|    ...
|    return funcKey     #get down get down
|  def func(): 
|        ... 
|  funcSwitch = {}
|  funcSwitch[funcKey] = func
|  ...
|  funcSwitch[selector()]()

even more interesting is a

|  def judge(contestants):
|   for contestant in contestants:
|      ...
|      if answersQuestionToSatisfaction:
|         yield semiFinalist
|  beauty[judge(beauty)]()

hmmmm, I suppost you could just call


and have the judge call the contestant personally. 
But that may be *too* personal. Moreover, what about 
the other judges? Wouldn't it be best to simply state:

This allows each judge to choose differently while all
the contestants behave consistently. It kind of like an
off the cuff decorator for generators, where

Maybe there's a better way of doing this? I don't know.

> >>
> >>def a(): return 'b'
> >>def b(): print 'polly! wakey wakey'
> >>c = {}
> >>c['a'] = b
> >>c[a()]()  #works!
> >
> >
> >(typo correction for other easily-confused newbies like myself)
> >
> >I think you mean
> >,----
> >| c['a']()  #works!
> >`----
> >
> Oh no, I get it, you meant...
> ,----
> | c['b'] = b
> | c[a()]()  #works!
> `----
> ...or was it?:-
> ,----
> | def a(): return 'a'
> `----
> --
> Doug Woodrow
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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