Here's a simple script, where I want to use a GUI to select a file.
(And eventually do something interesting with it.) Some problems

(1) Why does it call MenuOpen automatically?

(2) Why won't it open when I choose the menu item?

(3) Python Cookbook gave me the sys.exit call, if I run it from IDLE it
gives me a traceback. Should I be using something else?

(4) Does tkFileDialog have any useful official documentation? The main
google results for it don't even give the possible parameters for the
function calls, or sample code showing how to use.

(5) Is the 'parent = parent,' line just plain wrong?

Feel free to note any horrors you see.


import sys
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog

def MenuOpen(parent):
        defaultextension    = '.ctb',
        filetypes           = [
            ('AutoCAD Color-Dependent Style Table Files', '*.ctb'),
            ('AutoCAD Named Style Table Files', '*.stb'),
            ('All Files', '*.*')
        initialdir          = '\\\\Desktop',
        initialfile         = '',
        parent              = parent,
        title               = 'Open Plot Style File...'

def DoInterface():
    root        = Tk()

    menubar     = Menu(root)
    root.config(menu = menubar)

    menuFile    = Menu(menubar)
    menuFile.add_command(   label='Open',
    menuFile.add_command(   label='Exit', command=sys.exit)

    menubar.add_cascade(    label='File', menu=menuFile);





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