> Are you aware of nntplib?
> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-nntplib.html

I am, but I once I got into the article itself, I couldn't figure out
how to "call" a link inside the resulting message text:

import nntplib
username = my username
password = my password
nntp_server = 'newsclip.ap.org'
n = nntplib.NNTP(nntp_server, 119, username, password)

m_id = n.next()[1]

I'll get output like this headline and full story message link:
(truncated for length)

>>> ... 'Castro: Bush desea mi muerte, pero las ideas no se matan', 
>>> 'news://newsclip.ap.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]', ...

How can I take the message link 'news://newsclip.ap.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and follow it?


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