Hi Eric, You make a compelling argument for underscores. I sometimes help a visually impaired friend with setting up his computers.
I'm wondering about the aural output to you second example: link.set_parse_action(emit_link_HTML) Does it sound like this: link dot set under parse under action space between parens emit under link under HTML jump out Also, does how HTML read? Is it "H T M L" or "cap H cap T cap M cap L" ? How many python programmers can reconfigure their speech-to-text and text-to-speech converter? Isn't there a Python based accessibility project? Perhaps a few lines of script to add CamelBack support, using an amplitude increase for initial caps and maybe lingering on the initial phoneme for an extra 100 milliseconds. So then, the above example would read: "camel link dot set Parse Action between parens emit Link H T M L jump out" Warren Eric S. Johansson wrote or said: > link.setParseAction(emitLinkHTML) > > is spoken > > no caps link dot set no space cap parser no space cap action between > parens emit no space cap link HTML jump out > > on the other hand, > > link.set_parse_action (emit_link_HTML) > <snip> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list