>> Secondly, Python is nowadays not only used by
>> programmers,
>> but also by e.g. Scientific users (former MatLab
>> users),
>> who are not interested in the code itself,
>> but just in the results of that particular code.
>> For these people a lot of example programs,
>> for which they can easily see the results,
>> make some small changes and see the result again,
>> would be a wonderful addition.
> In your own personal use, what are some
> libraries/techniques/etc. that you think could benefit
> from some kind of more organized presentation of
> example programs (or better way of showing how the
> examples work, etc.)?
for example SciPy,
but I think it yield for all libs/techniques.
And I guess Windows users have a much greater need for such an 
organization than *nix users.
>   Are you part of the Scientific
> community?
sort of, I indeed work at a university,
but not doing scientific work myself,
I work on a supporting department.

> How new are you to Python?
very new ;-)
(I've lot of experience in a other programming languages,
last years mostly Delphi, JAL, MatLab)

>   I do think
> newbies/intermediates/advanceds all have different
> needs.

Stef Mientki

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