Pierre Quentel a écrit :
> On 27 mai, 22:55, erikcw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to turn o list of objects into a dictionary using a list
>> comprehension.
> entries = dict([ (int(d.date.strftime('%m')),d.id) for d in links] )
> With Python2.4 and above you can use a "generator expression"
> entries = dict( (int(d.date.strftime('%m')),d.id) for d in links )
You can also create dictionaries knowing only the keys the same way (ie. 
a two-dimensional array) :

In [77]: dict.fromkeys((a, b) for a in range(4) for b in range(2))
{(0, 0): None,
  (0, 1): None,
  (1, 0): None,
  (1, 1): None,
  (2, 0): None,
  (2, 1): None,
  (3, 0): None,
  (3, 1): None}

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