On 2007-05-23, Joel Hedlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thus you may want to consider reading c.l.p via nntp when at work.
> I'm doing that using Thunderbird 1.5.0, and I still get the
> spam.  Googling for a bit shows me that people have been
> having issues with Thunderbird not removing expired articles
> all the way since 2003.
> Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can make thunderbird remove 
> expired articles?

I don't understand.  Expired articles are removed on the server
by the server.

> Or should I perhaps use another news reader?

I don't see how it will make any difference, but maybe
Thunderbird is doing something weird (caching headers?).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! My mind is a potato
                                  at               field ...

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