> After this I went to the tutorial and started trying out some of the > examples. I pasted the code to separate text files and then ran them > through a Terminal window. This stuff is freaking cool!!! Now I > just have to figure out how this all works! > "wxPython in Action" is a decent book for learning wxPython: http://www.manning.com/rappin/
As with any GUI toolkit, there is a learning curve until you get used to how the components work together. But there is enough hands-on material to get started with simple GUI apps. > Anyway, I had one more quick question... in order to run wxPython > apps, do I have to have MacPython, etc. loaded on each Mac (or PC) in > order for it to run any apps I write? Or is there a way to compile > the code to where I can distribute an app I write and the other users > don't need to load anything in order to run the app? Again, I can't speak for Macs, but I know that for Windows there is one package suitably called "py2exe", available from http://www.py2exe.org/ which allows you to freeze your code and distribute it to multiple users as an executable file plus some extra baggage files containing bytecode and necessary DLL's, including the Python interpreter itself. This way, the end user does not need to install Python, wxPython, or any other Python libraries used by your project, nor does the end user even need to know anything about Python. Pros? The app is ready to run as shipped. Cons? Relatively large size of the distributable package - a typical simple GUI app is 6MB+ when packaged this way. Although... with the acres of storage space available on today's media, this is hardly a problem. :) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list