"Jeff Rush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
| I'm down to the wire here on answering the Forrester survey but am 
stumped on
| a few questions I hope someone can help me out with.

You are really into this free work for paid products thing.
I should think of such a scheme for me.
But some free tidbits.

| 1) What -existing- examples of the use of Python to create social
|   web applications are there?  These include chat, collaboration,
|   forum boards, and editable content pages, RSS feeds.
|   I know I use a lot of these, but under pressure I'm not coming
|   up with a lot of names.

You should have listed them so we could try to think of others.

|  Can you throw a few my way?

Bittorrent !-) Jabbar, Roundup

| 2) How easy is it to install an application written in the language?

Generally as easy as other applications on the same platform

|   How is the application deployed?

Same way as other apps on the same platform, (on Windows, .msi, .zip, .exe, 
etc) plus some Python specific methods.
|   I'm having some trouble understanding the difference between
|   "deployment" and "installation".  I suspect those words may
|   have a special meaning to Java developers (who designed the survey)
|   or to Big Corporate IT developers.  Ideas?
|   I can tell the story of distutils, python eggs and PyPI, and py2exe
|   and py2mumble for the Mac -- is there more to the story than that?
| 3) What is the value of the language to developers?

Makes programming fun.

Terry Jan Reedy


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