T. Crane wrote:
> "Robert Kern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> T. Crane wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If I define a class like so:
>>> class myClass:
>>>     import numpy
>>>     a = 1
>>>     b = 2
>>>     c = 3
>>>     def myFun(self):
>>>         print a,b,c
>>>         return numpy.sin(a)
>>> I get the error that the global names a,b,c,numpy are not defined. 
>>> Fairly
>>> straightforward.  But if I am going to be writing several methods that 
>>> keep
>>> calling the same variables or using the same functions/classes from 
>>> numpy,
>>> for example, do I have to declare and import those things in each method
>>> definition?  Is there a better way of doing this?
>> Put your imports at the module level. I'm not sure what you intended with 
>> a, b,
>> c so let's also put them at the top level.
> If you put them at the top level, and suppose you saved it all in a file 
> called test.py, then when you type
> ln [1]: from test import myClass
> does it still load a,b,c and numpy into the namespace?
Why does it need to? The functions in module "test" will access that 
module's namespace, not that of the calling module.

>> import numpy
>> a = 1
>> b = 2
>> c = 4
>> class myClass:
>>    def myFun(self):
>>        print a, b, c
>>        return numpy.sin(a)
>> OTOH, if a, b, c were supposed to be attached to the class so they could 
>> be
>> overridden in subclasses, or be default values for instances, you can 
>> leave them
>> in the class definition, but access them through "self" or "myClass" 
>> directly.
> Yeah, they don't need to be accessed anywhere other than within the class 
> itself and I won't need to overwrite them, so I'll try just putting them in 
> the top level.
That should work

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