(Most recent call last):
C:\Documents and Settings\Gateway User\ Desktop\custdb\setup.py",
> line 1, name = "custdb", 'setup' is not defined

There may be a single word infront of 'setup' on the fourth line, it scramble on my screen because I have to use a screen capture to read the error (it pops up for just a second before the window shuts down.

That's because you're not running it from a command prompt. Please open a command prompt (Start Menu, select "Run", type "cmd.exe" and ENTER, then type the following line to get to the folder with the script:

cd "c:\documents and settings\gateway user\desktop\custdb"

(If that doesn't work, perhaps there is really a space in
front of "desktop" as you show above...)

Once you're there, you should be able to run the script
directly just by typing its name plus the arguments
required: "setup.py py2exe" (without the quotes).  If
you can get that far, you should have the full error
message in a form you can directly cut and paste.  If
it adds nothing over what you show above, however, then
I'm at a loss because I can't see how your script could
possibly have generated that error...

Here's the full setup.py script I ran to get the error:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

setup( name = "custdb",
       console = ["custdb.py"],
       data_files = [ (".", ["custdb.ini", "custdb.de.rsrc.py"
"custdb.rsrc.py", "customerdata.csv"]) ]

This makes no sense to me, given the error message. The error reports that it fails on "line 1", yet line 1 in the above is the import statement, and doesn't have name = "custdb" on it as the error reports.


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