Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-05-16, walterbyrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Python's lack of an EOF character is giving me a hard time.
> No it isn't.
>>s = f.readline()
>>while s:
>>s = f.readline()
>>s = f.readline()
>>while s != ''
>>s = f.readline()
> Neither one of your examples is legal Python.  Please post real
> code.
>>In both cases, the loop ends as soon it encounters an empty line in
>>the file, i.e.
> No, it doesn't.  Not if you've done something reasonable like
> this:
> f = open('testdata','r')
> while True:
>     s = f.readline()
>     if not s: break
>     print repr(s)
> or this:
> f = open('testdata','r')
> s = f.readline()
> while s:
>     print repr(s)
>     s = f.readline()
> Please post real, runnable code.  You've done something wrong
> and we've no way to guess what it was if you won't show us your
> code.

I'm guessing it was runnable when he pasted it into google groups.


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