"Eric Brunel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje

> Funny you talk about Japanese, a language I'm a bit familiar with and for
> which I actually know some input methods. The thing is, these only work if
> you know the transcription to the latin alphabet of the word you want to
> type, which closely match its pronunciation. So if you don't know that ??
> ? is pronounced "uriba" for example, you have absolutely no way of
> entering the word.

Actually, you can draw the character (in XP, at
least) entirely or in part and the system shows a
list of them with similar shapes. IIRC, there is
a similar tool on Macs. Of course, I'm not saying
this allows to enter kanji in a easy and fast way,
but certainly it's not impossible at all, even if
you don't know the pronunciation.



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