> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> I would find it useful to be able to use non-ASCII characters for heavily
>> mathematical programs. There would be a closer correspondence between the
>> code and the mathematical equations if one could write D(u*p) instead of
>> delta(mu*pi).
> Just as one risk here:
> When reading the above on Google groups, it showed up as "if one could
> write ?(u*p)..."
> When quoting it for response, it showed up as "could write D(u*p)".
> I'm sure that the symbol you used was neither a capital letter d nor a
> question mark.
> Using identifiers that are so prone to corruption when posting in a
> rather popular forum seems dangerous to me--and I'd guess that a lot
> of source code highlighters, email lists, etc have similar problems.
> I'd even be surprised if some programming tools didn't have similar
> problems.

So, it was google groups that continuously corrupted the good UTF-8 
posts by force converting them to ISO-8859-1?

Of course, there's also the possibility that it is a problem on *your* 
side so, to be fair I've launched google groups and looked for this 
thread. And of course the result was that Steven's post displayed 
perfectly. I didn't try to reply to it of course, no need to clutter 
that thread anymore than it is.


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