René Fleschenberg wrote:
> Stefan Behnel schrieb:
>>>> Admittedly, it's done in Java, but why should Python fail to support 
>>>> unicode
>>>> identifiers in the way Java does?
>>> Your example does not prove much. The fact that some people use
>>> non-ASCII identifiers when they can does not at all prove that it would
>>> be a serious problem for them if they could not.
>> Are we trying to prove that?
> IMO, if you cannot prove it, the PEP should be rejected, since that
> would mean it introduces new problems without any proven substantial
> benefits.
>> And, would we have serious problems and people running from Python if Python
>> 2.5 did not integrate the "with" statement?
> 1) Which additional potential for bugs and which hindrances for
> code-sharing do you see with the with-statement?

I'm not sufficiently used to it to understand it immediately when I read it.
So I would have to look deeper into patches that use it, for example, and
couldn't accept them at first look. Plus, some editors do not highlight it as
a Python keyword. So it should have been rejected.

> 2) The with-statement does have proven substantial benefits, IMO.

Not to me. I don't use it, so no-one should. And since it does not make sense
in public projects, it should also be forbidden in in-house projects.


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