"Anders J. Munch"  wrote:

> Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> > And we have been through the Macro thingy here, and the consensus
> > seemed to be that we don't want people to write their own dialects.
> Macros create dialects that are understood only by the three people in your 
> project group.  It's unreasonable to compare that to a "dialect" such as 
> Mandarin, which is exclusive to a tiny little clique of one billion people.

A bit out of context here - I was trying to address the dichotomy of
reserved words and native identifiers - so if you want Mandarin or
Russian or Cantonese or Afrikaans or Flemish or German or Hebrew
identifiers, will you really be happy with the hassle of  "for", "while",
"in" - as plain old English ASCII?   How are you going to allow the native 
speaker to get those into his mother's tongue without something like macros?

Are you suggesting separate parsers for each language?
Table driven parsers?

And if you go the macro route, how are you going to stop it being
abused for purposes that have nothing to do with language translation?

Do I have to draw a picture?

- Hendrik


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