alex wrote:
> Hi,
> it is possible to define multiple initialization methods so that the
> method is used that fits?
No, there is no overloading in Python.

> I am thinking of something like this:
>   def __init__(self, par1, par2):
>     self.init(par1, par2);
>   def __init__(self, par1):
>     self.init(par1, None)
>   def init(self, par1, par2):
>      ...
>      ...
> So if the call is with one parameter only the second class is executed
> (calling the 'init' method with the second parameter set to 'None' or
> whatever. But this example does not work. 
> How to get it work?
> Alex

Use a default argument for par2 and check for that in your function:

def __init__(self, par1, par2=None):
    # do something with par1

    if par2 is None:
        print "par2 was not given!"
        print "par2 is", par2

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