Some faster Python implementations are under development. JPython has been around for a while, and PyPy and ShedSkin continue to move forward. It's worth thinking about what slows down Python implementations.
It isn't the dynamism, really. As others have pointed out in the Python literature, most of the time, the more elaborate dynamic features aren't being used for any given variable or object. If code has something like "x = 1.0", the odds are that "x" is going to stay a floating point number, and not suddenly turn into a list or an object reference. The type inference of Shed Skin builds on that assumption, adding some restrictions about changing of variable types. The Shed Skin effort indicates that explicit typing, via 'decorators' or otherwise, isn't really necessary. What's necessary is the avoidance of "surprises" in the language. In this context, a "surprise" is the use of a dynamic feature in a way that can't be seen at compile time. A typical "surprise" would be the use of "setattr" on an object from outside the compilation unit that defines the object. Within a module, "setattr" on an object in that module is no problem; the compiler can see it and generate the extra machinery needed to make an object dynamically alterable at run time. But if an object doesn't need that extra machinery and associated dictionary, it's a big win to discard the excess baggage and use a simpler fixed-size representation, comparable to a C struct, for the object. On the typing front, the neatest way to express typing is via initialization. With the Shed Skin restrictions, if all variables are initialized before use (preferably in __init__), there's no need to maintain an "undefined" flag for a variable. And, of course, if the type of a varaible is simple and can't change, it doesn't have to be "boxed", (enclosed in an object) which is a big win. The point here is that we don't need language changes or declarations to make Python much faster. All we need are a few restrictions that insure that, when you're doing something unusual, the compiler can tell. John Nagle --