In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Bjoern Schliessmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to simulate simple electric logic (asynchronous)
> circuits. By "simple" I mean that I only want to know if I
> have "current" or "no current" (it's quite digital) and the only
> elements need to be (with some level of abstraction to my specific
> problem)
> - sources (here begin currents)
> - ground (here end currents)
> - joints
> - switches (which are able to let current pass or not, depending on
>   outside influence)
> - loads (which can signal change in current flow to the outside --
>   just like a light bulb)

Are you trying to do logic simulation (digital) or analog circuit 
simulation?  The only reason I ask is that the simulation techniques are 
very different, and you used both "logic" and "current" in your 
description, so I'm not quite sure which direction you are heading.

For analog:

If you are ignoring time related effects (no inductance or capacitance), 
then the system is solvable as a set of linear equations.  Basically 
your circuit consists of a set of nodes and edges.  Wires are edges, 
joints are nodes.  An open switch is nothing, a closed switch is an 
edge.  A load is an edge.  You'll have to assign resistances to the 
edges (anything non-zero will do) in order for the equations to make 
sense.  Then you can use Kirchoff's laws to analyze the circuit and 
construct the equations to solve.  A good linear algebra library (numpy) 
will help in solving the equations.  

Opening or closing a switch would result in a new set of equations, and 
thus a new solution.  You might be able to get clever and model open 
switches as edges with infinite resistance, which would allow you to 
skip the Kirchoff stuff each time a switch is flipped.  You'd only have 
to change coefficients and solve the system of equations.  However, the 
system of equations would be singular, so you'd have to do something 
like an SVD rather than an inverse.

I don't want to go into too much more detail about this one because I 
have a hunch you are really looking at digital, but if you're interested 
in the analog approach let me know and I'll fill in more of the details.

For digital:

Event based simulation is typical here.  These simulations generally are 
concerned with voltage, not current.  A circuit consists of signals and 
devices.  At any given time, each signal has a certain state (high/low, 
on/off, 9 level logic, whatever).  Devices are connected to one another 
by signals.  You'll also need events (a signal, a time, and a new 
state), and an event queue (events sorted by time).  This is easier if 
each signal is driven by at most one device:

1) pop the next event off the queue
2) if the event's signal's state is the same as the new state, go to 1
3) set the event's signal's state to the new state
4) for each device that is attached to the signal, run the device's 
code, which should look at all of its inputs, and post new events to the 
queue for any outputs (do this even if the computed output is the same 
as the current output).  These events are usually posted for some time 
in the future (1 simulation 'tick' is fine).
5) go to 1

This approach is pretty simple to do in Python.  I wrote a sample 
digital simulator a while back and the core of the simulator was around 
50 lines of code.  Rounded out with some basic logic gates and helper 
functions to probe the simulation, it was around 150 lines.  It was only 
2 level logic and signals could only be driven by a single device.

The devices that you want to model (switches, loads, etc) don't have 
explicit inputs and outputs, and you'll need to deal with a signal being 
driven from multiple sources, so it will get a bit more complicated.  
You will probably also need 9 level logic (or something equivalent) to 
deal with the fact that ground beats a source through a load when 
determining a node's state.

The basic idea is that each signal has multiple drivers, each of which 
has an internal state.  When a device wants to set an output, it only 
changes its driver's state.  The signal then has code that looks at the 
state of all drivers and combines them in some way (this is called a 
resolution function).  That combined state is what devices see when they 
read the signal.

It isn't *that* complicated to implement, but if you can turn your 
problem into one with 2 level logic and no multiple drivers, then it 
will be easier to write and debug.


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