> Can Python parse a trace file created with MS SQL's profiler? There
> are a few thousand lines in the trace file and I need to find the
> insert statements and the stored procedures. Unfortunately, I am not
> an SQL guru and was hoping Python could help.

> Mike


Can I suggest that, since the answer is more to
do with parsing and less to do with MSSQL (which
simply generated the output) that you post an example
of a trace file to some web location to see if anyone
wants to pick up the challenge?

I'm not at work so I don't have access to MSSQL, but
I seem to remember that you can output/save as XML,
which may make things easier (or at least interest a
different group of people in having a look).

I'm quite certain it can by done by Python; I did
consider it myself a couple of months back, but my
colleague spotted the problem before I'd really got
into the code!


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