I finally got some code to push a pickled list into a database table.
but now the problem is technically complex although possible to solve.
the problem is that I can nicely pickle and store lists in a blob
field with the help of dumps() for picklling into a string and then
passing the string to the blob.
I am also able to get back the string safely and do a loads() to
unpickle the object.
but this only works when list contains numbers.
if there is a list such als
lst = ["a","b","c"] then after a dumpls I get a pickled object into a
string but when I try to insert this into the blob field it refuses to
get into the table.
there is an sql syntax error.
I further discovered that the string variable that contains the
pickled object contains a lot of single quots "'" and this is what is
probably preventing the sql insert from succedding.  can some one
suggest how to work around this problem?

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