On 4 May 2007 12:59:39 -0700, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 4, 9:19 am, John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ...     def g():
> > > ...         x = x + 1
> >
> >      Too cute.  Don't nest functions in Python; the scoping model
> > isn't really designed for it.
> How can you make generators then if you don't nest?

There's all kinds of good reasons to nest functions, and the "scoping
model isn't really designed for it" somewhat overstates the case -
it's not relevant to many of the reasons you might nest functions, and
it's not (much) of a problem for the rest of them. What you can't do
is rebind values in the enclosing scope, unless the enclosing scope is
global. That's a real, but fairly minor, limitation and you'll be able
to explicitly address your enclosing scope in 3k (or perhaps sooner).

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