On May 3, 11:25 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> En Thu, 03 May 2007 16:52:55 -0300, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> > I was messing around with adding methods to a class instance at
> > runtime and saw the usual code one finds online for this. All the
> > examples I saw say, of course, to make sure that for your method that
> > you have 'self' as the first parameter. I got to thinking and thought
> > "I have a lot of arbitrary methods in several utility files that I
> > might like to add to things. How would I do that?" And this is what I
> > came up with:
> I don't see the reason to do that. If you have a function that does not
> use its "self" argument, what do you get from making it an instance method?
> If -for whatever strange reason- you want it to actually be a method, use
> a static method:
> py> def foo(x):
> ...   print "I like %r" % x
> ...
> py> class A(object): pass
> ...
> py> a = A()
> py> A.foo = staticmethod(foo)
> py> a.foo()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: foo() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
> py> a.foo("coffee")
> I like 'coffee'
> py> A.foo("tea")
> I like 'tea'
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

staticmethod makes the function available to the whole class according
to the docs. What if I only want it to be available on a particular
instance? Say I'm adding abilities to a character in a game and I want
to give a particular character the ability to 'NukeEverybody'. I don't
want all characters of that type to be able to wipe out the entire
planet, just the particular character that got the powerup.


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