Hello all.  I'm tracking down memory leaks in my app.  To do this I wrote a 
script to show the numbers of each different type of object.  But it doesn't 
show strings!  Here is the script:

import gc,types

def printDict(d):
    keys = d.keys() ; keys.sort()
    print '-' * 30
    for key in keys:
        n = d.get(key)
        print '%+6d %s' % (n,key)

d = {} ; d2 = {}
for obj in gc.get_objects():
    t = type(obj)
    r = repr(t)
    n = d.get(r,0)
    d[r] = n + 1
    if t == types.InstanceType:
        t = obj.__class__
        r = repr(t)
        n = d2.get(r,0)
        d2[r] = n + 1


And here is example output.  The first part of the listing shows the 'raw' 
type of each object, the second part of the listing shows 
type(obj.__class__) for instance types.

 +1925 <class 'leoGlobals.Bunch'>
    +1 <class 'leoNodes.nodeIndices'>
   +47 <class 'leoNodes.position'>
 +2858 <class 'leoNodes.tnode'>
 +2877 <class 'leoNodes.vnode'>
    +1 <class 'random.Random'>
    +1 <class 'site._Helper'>
    +3 <class 'site._Printer'>
    +1 <class 'string._TemplateMetaclass'>
    +1 <class 'threading._Condition'>
    +1 <class 'threading._MainThread'>
    +1 <class 'unittest.TestLoader'>
  +536 <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
   +27 <type 'cell'>
    +1 <type 'classmethod'>
    +1 <type 'classmethod_descriptor'>
  +538 <type 'classobj'>
+11942 <type 'dict'>
   +14 <type 'frame'>
 +8493 <type 'function'>
    +3 <type 'generator'>
   +70 <type 'getset_descriptor'>
 +1997 <type 'instance'>
 +3704 <type 'instancemethod'>
 +4441 <type 'list'>
   +72 <type 'member_descriptor'>
  +226 <type 'method_descriptor'>
  +181 <type 'module'>
    +1 <type 'property'>
+29740 <type 'tuple'>
    +1 <type 'tupleiterator'>
   +53 <type 'type'>
  +105 <type 'weakref'>
  +362 <type 'wrapper_descriptor'>
    +1 <class Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwLoader.PmwLoader at 0x0156D390>
    +1 <class Tkinter.BitmapImage at 0x0154E5D0>
   +30 <class Tkinter.Button at 0x0154E270>
    +1 <class Tkinter.CallWrapper at 0x0154E030>
    +5 <class Tkinter.Canvas at 0x0154E2A0>
    +9 <class Tkinter.Checkbutton at 0x0154E2D0>
    +1 <class Tkinter.Event at 0x01540EA0>
   +51 <class Tkinter.Frame at 0x0154E330>
   +15 <class Tkinter.IntVar at 0x01540F30>
   +11 <class Tkinter.Label at 0x0154E360>
    +3 <class Tkinter.Listbox at 0x0154E390>
   +61 <class Tkinter.Menu at 0x0154E3C0>
    +7 <class Tkinter.PhotoImage at 0x0154E5A0>
    +3 <class Tkinter.Radiobutton at 0x0154E450>
   +19 <class Tkinter.Scrollbar at 0x0154E4B0>
    +5 <class Tkinter.StringVar at 0x01540F00>
    +1 <class Tkinter.Tk at 0x0154E0C0>
    +9 <class Tkinter.Toplevel at 0x0154E240>
    +6 <class _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBalloon.Balloon at 0x0186D870>
 +1545 <class _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.__TkinterCallWrapper at 0x015A66F0>
    +2 <class _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwNoteBook.NoteBook at 0x0162ECF0>
    +1 <class _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwPanedWidget.PanedWidget at 0x016FA360>
    +2 <class _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame at 0x016FADE0>
    +3 <class __future__._Feature at 0x00EB6840>
    +2 <class compiler.misc.Set at 0x00E899C0>
    +1 <class compiler.pyassem.StackDepthTracker at 0x00E89B10>
    +3 <class doctest.DocTestParser at 0x00EE50C0>
    +2 <class encodings.cp1252.Codec at 0x00ADE1E0>
    +2 <class encodings.cp437.Codec at 0x00CF0AE0>
    +1 <class exceptions.MemoryError at 0x00A87120>
    +1 <class leoApp.LeoApp at 0x00BAF930>
    +3 <class leoAtFile.atFile at 0x00DBF180>
    +3 <class leoChapters.chapter at 0x015D6660>
    +1 <class leoChapters.chapterController at 0x015D6630>
    +1 <class leoColor.colorizer at 0x00CCA8A0>
    +2 <class leoColor.nullColorizer at 0x00CCA8D0>
    +3 <class leoCommands.Commands at 0x00FE1900>
    +3 <class leoCommands.configSettings at 0x00FE1930>
    +1 <class leoConfig.configClass at 0x00CF03C0>
    +1 <class leoConfig.settingsTreeParser at 0x00CF03F0>
    +1 <class leoEditCommands.AspellClass at 0x00F20E40>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.abbrevCommandsClass at 0x00F15810>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.bufferCommandsClass at 0x00F20B10>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.controlCommandsClass at 0x00F20B40>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.debugCommandsClass at 0x00F20B70>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.editCommandsClass at 0x00F20BA0>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.editFileCommandsClass at 0x00F20BD0>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.helpCommandsClass at 0x00F20C00>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.keyHandlerCommandsClass at 0x00F20C30>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.killBufferCommandsClass at 0x00F20C60>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.leoCommandsClass at 0x00F20C90>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.macroCommandsClass at 0x00F20CC0>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.queryReplaceCommandsClass at 0x00F20CF0>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.rectangleCommandsClass at 0x00F20D20>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.registerCommandsClass at 0x00F20D50>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.searchCommandsClass at 0x00F20DB0>
    +3 <class leoEditCommands.spellCommandsClass at 0x00F20DE0>
    +1 <class leoEditCommands.spellTabHandler at 0x00F20E10>
    +3 <class leoFileCommands.fileCommands at 0x00F932D0>
    +3 <class leoFind.leoFind at 0x00C12840>
    +5 <class leoFind.searchWidget at 0x00C12810>
    +2 <class leoFrame.nullBody at 0x00CF0210>
    +2 <class leoFrame.nullFrame at 0x00CF0240>
    +2 <class leoFrame.nullIconBarClass at 0x00CF0270>
    +2 <class leoFrame.nullLog at 0x00CF02A0>
    +2 <class leoFrame.nullTree at 0x00CF0300>
    +6 <class leoFrame.stringTextWidget at 0x00CF00F0>
    +2 <class leoGlobals.redirectClass at 0x00BAF420>
    +2 <class leoGui.nullGui at 0x00CF0330>
    +3 <class leoImport.leoImportCommands at 0x00F93FC0>
    +3 <class leoKeys.autoCompleterClass at 0x00E70720>
    +3 <class leoKeys.classScannerClass at 0x00E70600>
    +3 <class leoKeys.forgivingParserClass at 0x00E705D0>
    +2 <class leoKeys.keyHandlerClass at 0x00E707B0>
    +2 <class leoMenu.nullMenu at 0x00CDDCC0>
    +3 <class leoTangle.tangleCommands at 0x00FE1750>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFind.tkFindTab at 0x015AF630>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFind.tkSpellTab at 0x015AF660>
   +12 <class leoTkinterFind.underlinedTkButton at 0x015AF5D0>
   +20 <class leoTkinterFrame.leoTkTextWidget at 0x016006F0>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.leoTkinterBody at 0x016005D0>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.leoTkinterFrame at 0x01600660>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.leoTkinterLog at 0x01600690>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.leoTkinterTreeTab at 0x016006C0>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.tkIconBarClass at 0x01600630>
    +1 <class leoTkinterFrame.tkStatusLineClass at 0x01600600>
    +1 <class leoTkinterGui.leoKeyEvent at 0x015B77B0>
    +1 <class leoTkinterGui.tkinterGui at 0x01600720>
    +1 <class leoTkinterKeys.tkinterKeyHandlerClass at 0x016FA990>
    +1 <class leoTkinterMenu.leoTkinterMenu at 0x015DB150>
    +3 <class leoTkinterTree.leoTkinterTree at 0x016004E0>
    +3 <class leoUndo.undoer at 0x00CF0090>
    +1 <class mod_scripting.scriptingController at 0x0162E060>
    +1 <class nav_buttons.imageClass at 0x0162E990>
    +1 <class nav_buttons.marksDialog at 0x0162E9C0>
    +1 <class nav_buttons.recentSectionsDialog at 0x0162EA20>
    +1 <class os._Environ at 0x00A9BC30>
    +5 <class plugins_menu.PlugIn at 0x01540270>
    +1 <class plugins_menu._PluginDatabase at 0x01527B40>
    +2 <class repr.Repr at 0x00EDB690>
   +10 <class tkFont.Font at 0x015DB120>
    +2 <class xml.sax.handler.ErrorHandler at 0x00F75360>

I get similar results on both Python 2.4 and Python 2.5.  I'm running on XP.

Can anyone explain were the strings are?  I expect at least twice the number 
of strings as there are leoNodes.vnode objects.

Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html


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