Per the pysqlite installation instructions, this is the test I ran to confirm that pysqlite installed correctly
>from pysqlite2 import test >test.test() and I got output similar to what the docs say should happen: >ran 101 tests in 0.182s My python book, "Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional"(2005), after giving some brief installation instructions for SQLite and pysqlite, says: "Once you have pysqlite installed, you can import it as a module, under the name sqlite." and then the author provides this example: >>>import sqlite >>>conn = sqlite.connect('somedatabase.db') >>>curs = conn.cursor() This cursor can then be used to make SQL queries... >>>conn.commit() >>>conn.close() So that is what I tried. Then I changed "sqlite" to "sqlite2" and "sqlite3" as well. --