walterbyrd a écrit :
> On May 2, 5:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You're mixing apples, fishes, and cars here. Joomla is a content
>> management system, Django a framework and Python a language.
> Yes, I know, but they are all ways to create a website. If I wanted a
> site which included galleries, forums, etc. and I didn't want to re-
> invent the wheel, I could:
> 1) Use joomla or drupal, and possible end up "fighting the framework"
> to get just what I want.
> 2) Cooble together a web-site with various scripts, either developed
> by others, or myself.
> I would like to work with django, and include some python stuff. But,
> the PHP environments seem to have a much richer assortment of pre-
> written scripts.

Most of them being of very poor quality...

> If I want to include my own applications, I could develop those apps
> with a popular PHP MVC called "CakePHP" and include those into joomla
> or drupal.

I'm not sure integrating CakePHP stuff into something like Joomla or 
Drupal will be that easy.

> I don't know if there is anything like that with Python
> development.

The most advanced Python-based CMS so far is still Plone. But it's a 

If you want Python and easy integration, you'd probably be happier with 
Pylons. While far from finished, it's very promising, and less 
monolithic than Django.

My 2 cents...

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