On 24 avr, 23:53, Neil Hodgson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> vmlwrote:
> > I have a COM object.
> > I would like to pass this com object from a server to a client through
> > a socket.
>     As Diez mentioned, this may be possible through Distributed COM
> (DCOM). Its not very popular any more with techniques such as SOAP being
> more widely implemented. DCOM is fiddly to set up particularly the
> security aspects. IIRC I did get it to work with Python but that was
> maybe 8 years ago. Here's an overview of DCOM:
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms809311.aspx
>     Neil

Thank you for your answers, I think that a DCOM application ...


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