Well what I was looking for is more along the lines of if it was
possible to assign an object at a fixed memory address like C. But
most importantly I was expecting it to be a bad habbit in python and
was simply wondering what was the accepted manner of doing so.

I did know everything was passed by reference in Python but I was
simply curious about the ability to just use

*f1 = memory_address

In order to create an object. The only use I saw for this was in the
case of a string returning the memory location albeit from the replies
I got that this would not really be desirable and necessary. I was
really just trying to avoid developping bad habbits or depending on
something that shouldnt be used commonly in the language.

I think my question has been answered well so I would like to thank
everyone for their input. Albeit a memory copy function would be fun
to use but ultimately not very fit for such a high level language I

Again, thank you everyone this forum is very helpful,


On Apr 27, 7:51 pm, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 27 abr, 20:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > That's what we need: a CopyMemory() routine.
> See the copy and pickle modules.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina


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