On 2007-04-26, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> On 2007-04-25, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
>>> Most people reading a tutorial are aware that they are being given the 
>>> knowledge they need to put the subject matter to immediate use, and that 
>>> there may well be refinements that are glossed over or covered in detail 
>>> later or elsewhere.
>> I agree with that.
>> However there is a difference between information that will help you
>> on the way now that will be refined later and information that will
>> help you on the way now and will be contradicted later.
>> I also understand that the line between the two is rather fuzzy.
>> In my opinion the text in the tutorial as it stands now, is more
>> of the latter than of the former type and that is why I would
>> prefer a change.
> I had already deduced that from your arguments so far in this thread. Do 
> you *have* to make every trivial conclusion explicit?

Well my problem was I had the feeling your remark totally ignored that.

I honestly don't understand what you thought your remark would
contribute if you had deduced the above.

It is very possible that this is a failing of mine in recognizing
when people have understood the point I am trying to make.

> Warning: this is an explicit test to see whether you can sit on your 
> hands and refrain from replying. It's hard to find a thread where you 
> don't make the last comment on every branch you get involved in.

Well I guess I failed.

Antoon Pardon

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