On Apr 24, 2:09 pm, Quadibloc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Real Andy wrote:
> > Makes me wonder about the credibility of any statement Dr Gideon Polya
> > makes.
> .
> I never thought that I would feel the urge to call someone an
> edelweiss-eating Tanzanian devil, but Dr. Polya proved that I lacked
> imagination.
> (Note that "Tanzanian" is pronounced Tan.zan._ee_.yan, not
> Tan._zayn_.ee.an; one wouldn't want to spoil the effect.)

What really spoils the effect is that Dr. Polya lives in Tasmania, a
state of Australia, and not in Tanzania, which is a country in East

Semi-literate Americans do tend to confuse the two places, as they
also tend confuse Australia and Austria. Oddly enough, edelweiss grows
in Austria, so Dr. Polya would have to import it from Europe if he
were in the habit of dining on edelweiss - which would be an eccentric
habit, even in Austria, where the flower doesn't form part of the
normal diet.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen


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