Steve Holden wrote: > Thomas Krüger wrote: > >> Tina I schrieb: >> >>> Now, this works but of course it catches every IOError, and I can not >>> figure out how to restrict it to only catch the "[Errno 2]"? >>> >> There's an example that uses the error number: >> >> >> > So what you'll need to do is catch all IOError exceptions, then test to > see if you've got (one of) the particular one(s) you are interested in. > If not then you can re-raise the same error with a bare "raise" > statement, and any containing exception handlers will be triggered. If > there are none then you will see the familiar traceback termination message. > > regards > Steve > you could also use some pre-testing of the filename os.path.isfile, os.path.isdir, os.path.split are good functions to test file/directory existence. Also to verify that you have permission to manipulate a file, os.access is a good function. sph