proctor wrote:
> On Apr 22, 1:24 pm, Michael Bentley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Apr 22, 2007, at 1:49 PM, proctor wrote:
>>> i have a small function which mimics binary counting.  it runs fine as
>>> long as the input is not too long, but if i give it input longer than
>>> 8 characters it gives
>>> RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
>>> i'm not too sure what i am doing improperly.  is there really a lot of
>>> recursion in this code?
>>> ==================
>>> import sys
>>> def ch4(item, n=0):
>>>    if n < len(item):
>>>            if item[n] == '0':
>>>                    item[n] = '1'
>>>                    print ''.join(item)
>>>                    ch4(item)
>>>            elif item[n] == '1':
>>>                    item[n] = '0'
>>>                    ch4(item, n+1)
>>> ch4(list(sys.argv[1]))
>>> ==================
>> Yes.  There really is *that* much recursion in that code.  502 levels
>> with input length of 8 characters, 1013 with 9 characters, 2035 with
>> 10 characters...  There's a pattern there ;-)
> ok, thanks michael!
> is there a way to avoid it here?  how could i write this better, (if
> at all)?

Google for permutation-like recipies:

Use the code from the first hit::

     >>> for x in xselections('01', 8):
     ...     print ''.join(x)

Explaining to your teacher why your code uses generators when you 
haven't been taught them yet is left as an exercise to the reader. ;-)


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