S.Mohideen wrote:
> Hi All,
>         I was thinking about the feasbility of adjusting Python as a 
> compiled language. Being said that I feel these are the following 
> advantages of doing so --
> 1) Using the powerful easy-to -use feature of Python programming 
> language constructs.
> 2) Making the program to run at par with the compiled version of C/C++ 
> program- this is the main benefit which can be derived out of this.
> 3) Highly re-use existing Python code for High performance application.
> 4) Acheive true parallelism and performance by getting rid of the 
> middle-man Interpreter and GIL.
> I know this must be appearing like a foolish idea. But I would like to 
> know the opinion of people who might have thought about it.

    It's a great idea.  Look at ShedSkin, PyPy, and Jython, all of
which tried to do it, and none of which really became finished

                                        John Nagle

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