"Raja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Attached is the code . I want my program to save the current printer
> job properties and , when I reconnect the printer at a latter date , i
> need to print the saved job . Can you please help with my code ? How
> to print a document at a later stage and any errors in my code ?
> import win32ui
> import win32con
> myprinter_name = ""
> # get the name from your Printers folder
> printer_properties=[]
> def save():
>         pHandle = win32print.OpenPrinter(myprinter_name)
>         properties = win32print.GetPrinter(pHandle, 2)
>         pDevModeObj = properties["pDevMode"]
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.FormName)
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.PaperSize)
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.Orientation)
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.Color)
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.Copies)
>         printer_properties.append(pDevModeObj.DefaultSource)
>         win32print.ClosePrinter(pHandle)
> def apply():
> hprinter = win32print.OpenPrinter(myprinter_name)
> devmode = win32print.GetPrinter(hprinter, 2)["pDevMode"]
> devmode.FormName=printer_properties[0]
> devmode.PaperSize=printer_properties[1]
> devmode.Orientation=printer_properties[2]
> devmode.Color=printer_properties[3]
> devmode.Copies=printer_properties[4]
> devmode.DefaultSource=printer_properties[5]
> hdc = win32gui.CreateDC("WinPrint",myprinter_name,devmode)
> dc = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(hdc)
> dc.StartDoc('My Python Document')
> dc.StartPage()
> dc.EndPage()
> dc.EndDoc()
> del dc
> You help is greatly appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Raja.

You should be able to pause the job using win32print.SetJob
with JOB_CONTROL_PAUSE and resume it later using
JOB_CONTROL_RESUME.  That way you won't even have
to store the print parameters yourself.


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