Bart Willems wrote:

> I can try this in interactive mode:
>  >>> a = 5
>  >>> b = a
>  >>> a += 1
>  >>> print b
> 5
> So, if /a/ and /b/ where pointing to the *same* "5" in memory,

They do:

>>> a = 5
>>> b = a
>>> a is b
>>> a += 1
>>> a is b

... but not after a is rebound to a new int.

> then I would expect b to be increased, just as a. But after
> increasing a, b is still 5...

int objects are immutable. Thus, when rebinding a (as happens here
in "a += 1"), a new instance of int is created and "a" points to
> By the way, a classic language like C has features like this too;
> they're called pointers.

C's int* behaves differently.



BOFH excuse #163:

no "any" key on keyboard


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